I had my first Pinterest FAIL today. So close to Christmas I have been making TONS of handmade items...... and of course Pinterest adds fuel to the fire of every woman out there that loves to craft. So here is what I've made:
Directions and picture linked back to:http://www.delightedmomma.com/2012/11/how-to-make-salt-dough-ornaments-i-may.html
I of course didn't follow directions :) Instead i winged it. My ornaments came out looking not near as pretty or smooth as those pictured..... so make sure u follow the instructions!!!!! These is a super easy ( but very messy) craft and so many options on decorating them..... spray paint, glitter and more. So i recommend this project. And a HUGE hit for kids.
A pinterest success:
Directions and picture linked back to: http://thegreenbeanscrafterole.blogspot.ca/2010/12/all-that-glittersminus-mess.html
I made 6 of these and I LOVED it. The weren't to messy and well they are glittery...... and I love glitter.
Very easy!
Picture and directions linked back to: http://thefrugalgirls.com/2011/07/santa-ornament-crafts.html
I bought red glitter ornaments, and attempted to PAINT the belt on..... FAIL! Seriously, follow this way.... looks so much better! Go check out here directions.... and make some super cute ornaments for gifts! ( the dollar tree has glitter red ornaments ( packs of 5 and 7) for 1 dollar.... so super cheap!!!!!
Picture and instructions linked back to:http://shes-not-me0.blogspot.com/
Easy enough, Epsom salt and a tea light. I used a hurricane and only partially filled it up like pictured.... Mine didn't look cute at all. Hers ( pictured) is simply amazing. Follow her directions!
I found these lil cuties on Pinterest...and linked it back to this blog:http://ratherbeplayin.blogspot.com/2011/09/reindeer-upgrade-and-sleigh.html
but it says its no longer available?
so this picture came from there and THESE are way cute. I now have 3. Made mine alot bigger..... aprox 3 ft tall. I also did the hair on mine on the top of the head and added sweet bows. I love them!!!
Picture linked back to:http://littlekinderwarriors.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2011-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&updated-max=2012-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-08%3A00&max-results=50
I seen these on pinterest and HAD to try it out for my daughters Christmas party. There is a OH SO cute printable for another elf project located on her site but sadly not these hats. We attempted to make these yesterday at the party anyhow and well ............ FAIL> but I am sure there are many people out there with a higher "crafty IQ" then I..... so someone surely can make these much better than mine turned out.
Moving to a dif Board on my Pinterest here are other DIY projects!
Picture linked back to:
I am NOT a baker. Mine fell apart while frosting! so here is mine:

ha ha not so cute BUT it was funny to see the expression on the Bday boys face. I used sugar sheets for the words and THEY are sooo worth it. Easy to apply. Snickers for the " poo" I squished them up and molded.
I'd suggest using an angel food cake, and 2 meatloaf pans..... for the actual making of it. I did not have those on hand and tried to cut it up ..... ( on CAKE BOSS they make it look so easy) I don't suggest that route!!!!
Picture linked back to: http://craftykids101.blogspot.com/2011/02/tubular-bracelet-bhgcom.html
She has instructions for making these on her site, and they are a SUPER craft for a TWEEN party. EASY!!!
Picture linked back to:http://www.flickr.com/photos/78481945@N08/?uploaded=1&magic_cookie=81521b7b192d34c28ccc27ff5a2f2726
another great " CAKE" idea.24 pk of beer, some ribbon and cake boards and VIOLA.
Picture linked back to:http://cupcakestakethecake.blogspot.com/2012/01/fashionista-cupcake-alert-cupcake-high.html
Another GREAT idea for a tween to teen or girly party. These are NOT easy for use with low" baker IQ"
Mine turned out NOT so pretty. But worth a try!!!
Tons more DIY reviews coming. With Christmas 3 days away It has been a busy week for us! Happy Holidays!
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