Thursday, May 5, 2011

Att: mothers! YES you!

I take a very practical view of raising children. I put a sign in each of their rooms: ''Checkout Time is 18 years.'' ~ Erma Bombeck

Mommy isms:

( me and my 6 yr old daughter) kenzie
Tattle telling:
Me: I'm telling your dad
Her: well Ill tell your dad!

Me: don't pick your nose, your finger will turn green.
Her: no it wont, my teacher said my brain will fall out!

Being polite:
Me: when you get my age you'll understand
Kenzie: but mom i want to
Jaz: mom doesn't have money kenzie
kenzie: please
ME: no... i said no and someday you ll understand
kenzie: mom i understand but i said it nice.... i said please

 My 9 yr old Jazzie

Jazmene: mom, mckenzie hit me
mckenzie: it was akident mom
Me: why did you hit jazmene
Jazmene: it wasn't an accident mom. she is lying
Mckenzie: i did NOT lie! it was akident
Me: dont hit your sister
Jazmene: you lie mckenzie
Mckenzie........ hits jazmene again in front of me
Me: ok now I am gonna have to take you to kid jail and get a new sister!
Mckenzie: it was an akident mom I'm not lying

potty training:
Me:you have to change your underwear everyday
Mckenzie: but mom I didn't pee in them
Me: you still have to change them everyday
Mckenzie: look mom no stains ....they are clean

Me: jazmene you cant wear that skirt
Jaz: why
Me: I can see your butt
Jaz: well no one else can

Bedtime etiquette:
Mckenzie: Mom I cant sleep in my bed the coyote will eat me.
Me: mckenzie there is no coyote in our house
Kenzie: mom it will come in our house and eat me
Me: I locked the doors
Kenzie: so
Me: I don't give the keys out to coyotes
Kenzie: It will come through my window
Me: it cant your upstairs
Kenzie: well it will come in downstairs and go upstairs and eat me
Me: if it comes in downstairs it would eat me and your dad first then it will be to full and leave.
( it worked)

When the going gets tough, I tell myself...... someday they will be changing my diapers and feeding and dressing me........ they will get their payback then! 

All mothers differ greatly. But we all have ONE thing in common: God gave us the best gift of all....
                                                         Happy Mothers Day.

2 products/ 1 month = The beginning of a love/hate relationship

I'm a huge late night channel flipper. I flip Thur the channels non stop. Then I get to QVC or HSN.
They have this unbelievable talent for convincing me that I NEED whatever it is they are selling. I have to have it. I'm going to buy it, and It is the best thing out there........ all within 10 seconds..... literally, I'M SOLD.

So, for the last 3 years I have been eye~balling bare minerals. I want it, I need it and it is going to make my skin look amazing. ( and its good for my skin.....)! I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped on the bare minerals website and browsed all the wonderful options and ordered. I COULD NT WAIT for my package. Daily I stalked waited for our mailman, and when it came I ran in and tried it on.

 Um, it sucks. Really! How can that be? I read reviews and they showed it on QVC and it worked for those woman.... why is it not working for me? Sadly ladies...... If you are middle aged, with bags under your eyes, slight wrinkles, and blotching colored skin...... it wont work for you either. Ive applied it a million times, a million ways and I look like some powdered, over wrinkled woman.

I tried it on my daughter ( whom is 9) for her concert. On her, it worked. But her skin is flawless to begin with. I was heart broken.

That doesn't stop me for having faith in every product out there. Because Not 2 weeks after that, i was amazed at how they showed Laura Geller makeup working~ and I bought it. Laura Geller's The real deal concealer. It is very thick...... and I applied it, it didn't work. If I blended it in, patted it, it wouldn't cover. If I left a huge glop of it on, it covered and I looked worse than I did without it!

2 products/ 1 month ~ I give a thumbs down. Id have to say I started getting a Lil self conscious thinking I had really horrible skin.

Bare Minerals starter kit (small try me size) 20.00 + shipping = -20+ dollars.
Laura Geller The REAL deal concealer 15.00 + shipping = -15+

So are you ready for a product that did work? I bet you are!  :)
Maybelline Dream Smooth Mousse aprox cost 7 dollars. I didn't see this on OVC or HSN~ I just tried it. It doesn't make us older more sophisticated woman look older, it covered all my flaws, and did not sit in my wrinkles indentations.

Decorating Childrens Rooms

Our inspiration
Remodeling has always been a passion for me. If someone would hire me I think Id do it for free because I love to **** shop**** design and create. So As our entire house has been being remodeled, I have had the challenge of coming up with 3 children's "theme" bedrooms. Excited would be an understatement! More like watch out hubby I'm gonna shop alot!
So here is what we have come up with. My husband is NOT a creative person, not a person who has visions on sugarplums and pink walls. But I let him in on decorating my step sons room. We have a sports theme. Easy, and I have found oh so cool items for it!

The bed I would choose
and this as a curtain rod couldn't be more inspirational.

Woman I say this to you ~ NEVER let your husband in on creating!
As of today I am on a standstill with my step sons room. My husband cant decide on a bed, or agree with me on ANY aspect of this! Ladies...... for your own sanity NEVER let them help.

Next I have our oldest daughter whom LOVES anything that is blingy! I wanted to give her a Paris theme room with zebra print and bling!
If you search for Paris room so many inspiring pictures come up.
                                                     This picture is from HGTV.
My husband put in new flooring ( we completely gutted her room and have re done), its been painted and zebra print sheets have been bought. Now I'm into the fun phase ~ decorating.

Our youngest daughter asked for A princess, A Fairy, and a Garden room. LOL~ ie: she now has a princess fairy garden room. Her room is at what id call stage 3, almost done but not really! Here are a few photos so far!

The before ( as we finished painting and flooring). Her room was completely gutted as well.
and now
We went to IKEA. If you have never been to an IKEA, let me tell you, I spent the ENTIRE day there. It was a 3 hour trip there so I spent every sec. I could shopping until my feet could go no more.

IKEA is a mothers ( or atleast mine) dream come true. They have everything I could ever want. Every section has a little play area like this. The "kids" area has a much bigger play area and I have to admit, our daughters had a ball! They also have a FREE play center where they babysit your children for 1 hour while you shop...... yes SERIOUSLY! I highly recommend you utilize it!

The above picture is my fav.... only because it has a story behind it.
Ok, so Ill tell you the story. ( I know you are relieved)
So, I was scouting out desks, and I found this one. I sat and within 3 miliseconds my girls came rushing to join.
I told them I had a contract for them to sign.It said:
I will love my mommy always, I will clean the entire house everyday for my mom, I will NEVER EVER date.
I will never ever KISS a boy ! i wont get married until I'm 90. and the list went on.
so here is my daughter signing the contract! LOL. If only I could, I would.... trust me I would!
here is me. Exhausted, and ready for me 3 hour trip home.
Goodbye IKEA.
I LOVE YOU and will MISS you terribly!

Our trip to IKEA cost us I think aprox 800.00 in goods. But we came home with a picnic table,
3 of the coolest chair swings, flower lights for the " princess fairy garden room",
My desk ( which I'm currently using), throw blanket, huge frame, throw blankie,
lights for my room, and the coolest wine racks in the world.

So back to the whole point of this. My youngest only needs trim, closet doors, and a new dresser ( and preferably a flat screen tv...... anyone?) and she will be done.
She LOVES her room. Actually so much, she rarely leaves it. So I will post pics of all of it, as it gets finished.
On to our Kitchen....... hum what theme would my youngest come up with for my kitchen. I may ask!